Call for PhD Forum Submissions

International Conference on Information and Systems Security (ICISS) is one of the leading conferences on security & privacy. The audience of ICISS is usually a mix of international researchers, graduate & postgraduate students, and industry practitioners working in the field of security & privacy.

ICISS PhD Forum is an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present their preliminary work and get it validated by experts available during the conference. This opportunity to network with established international researchers also helps build a rapport with them and opens up possibilities for collaboration in terms of internships, and post-doctoral fellowships. This PhD Forum will be an excellent venue to articulate and present your work-in-progress in a public, encouraging environment to receive constructive feedback. Furthermore, there will be several pre-conference tutorials lined up, exposing students to topics beyond their current interests.

The Tutorial & PhD Forum Co-chairs of the 19th ICISS invite PhD students to present their early-stage research ideas covering topics within the scope of ICISS. The forum will be conducted in two formats:

Early-stage PhD Students

Students who are working towards research topic selection will submit (2-pages max.):

  • Problem being considered
  • Its relevance and impact
  • Potential approaches
  • Poster (36 in x 48 in)
  • Presentation (5 minutes)
Later-stage PhD Students

Students who have selected a research topic and have some preliminary insights/results will submit (4-pages max.):

  • Problem statement
  • State-of-the-art, identified gaps, novelty
  • Methodology, early results
  • Poster (48 in x 60 in)
  • Presentation (10 minutes)
The Poster and the Presentation must be submitted after your PhD Forum submission is reviewed and accepted.

Each proposal must contain a title, author’s name & affiliation (and a footnote indicating the year of PhD admission followed by the advisor’s name). The submission must be compiled using the LNCS style.

The authors of the accepted proposals will be allowed to display their posters throughout the conference in order to maximize their interactions with the attendees. A thematic compilation of all presented works will be made available as a technical report.

Important Dates (in AoE)
Submission deadlineSeptember 20, 2023
Author notification byOctober 20, 2023
Poster & Presentation SubmissionNovember 30, 2023
Tutorial & PhD Forum Chairs
Shachee Mishra GuptaIBM Research, India
Vishwas PatilIIT Bombay, India
Jeyakumar Samantha TharaniGriffith University, Australia
Sangitha RoyThapar, India
Radhika BSIIIT Dharwad

Submission template:

Submission portal:


Student authors of accepted papers may avail of partial travel grants by writing to the PhD Forum Chairs.