
List of Hotels in Raipur

Hotel NameStar RatingDistance from the VenueSingle Room TariffDouble Room TariffWebsite LinkGoogle Maps LinkContact Number (+91)
Hotel city Pride0.5 KM11202240Click Here7714063777
Hotel Radhika palace2 KM1500  1500Click HereClick Here7714036168
Piccadily3-Star2 KM28003360Click HereClick Here7714204000
Hotel maul shree2.5 KM22002200Click Here8370007205
Hotel Gagan Regency3-Star3 KM24002700Click HereClick Here7714342096
Sarovar Portico4-Star3 KM33603920Click HereClick Here7714788888
Babylon international4-Star12 KM75008500Click HereClick Here7714255555
Sayaji Raipur5-Star15 KM82008500Click HereClick Here9109160023
Hayatt Raipur5-Star15 KM1600016200Click HereClick Here7714241234
Courtyard Raipur5-Star16 KM1200013000Click HereClick Here7714330000
These rates are flexible based on the availability of Rooms.
All the tariffs mentioned above include GST and a complimentary breakfast.

Transport to the Venue

A pooled transport service shall be provided from the above list of hotels (morning around 8:30 a.m.) to the conference venue and back to the hotels (evening around 5:15 p.m.).

On-Campus Hostel Accommodation for Student Participants

Students attending the ICISS conference may avail NIT Raipur hostel facility on a payment basis. Participants will be allocated to a single occupancy room or shared room based on availability. Girl participants will be accommodated in the Girl’s Hostel.

The per day hostel accommodation charge is Rs 300/- which needs to be paid along with the registration fee for the number of days of hostel stay required.

Note: Participants are requested to directly pay the vendor if availing breakfast/dinner at the hostel mess. Lunch & tea breaks are covered in the registration fees.

For any queries w.r.t. accommodation and local arrangements, please write to