Guidelines for “Regular Papers” track
The technical program committee welcomes paper submissions on all topics related to information systems security. All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance through double-blind peer review, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers.
As an author, you are required to preserve the anonymity of your submission, while at the same time allowing reviewers to fully grasp the context of related past work, including your own. Papers that do not conform to our double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review. Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for review elsewhere will be considered.
- Use Springer LNCS template to prepare your manuscript (without tweaking any of the default settings; e.g., font-size, margins, you may use additional packages to extend the LaTeX environment)
- The manuscript must be written in English.
- Compile your submission as a single PDF file (Word files will not be forwarded for review).
- The manuscript must not cross 20 pages (inclusive of references and well-marked appendices, if any).
- Ensure that the colors used in Figures and elsewhere are printable in gray-scale.
- Ensure that the font-size in Figures/Tables and elsewhere is at least 9pt, if at all explicitly defined.
- Check the manuscript for typos and spell-check it before submitting.
- Submission must be anonymous (avoid direct/indirect inferences)
- Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page of the manuscript.
- Remove acknowledgements.
- Remove project titles or names that could be used to trace back to the authors via web search.
- Carefully name your files to anonymize author information.
- Carefully refer to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer incapable of grasping the context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work by another author. For example, instead of “In prior work [1], we presented a scheme that …,” sentences in the spirit of “In prior work, Clark et al. [1] presented a scheme that …” should be used. With this method, the full citation of the referred paper can still be given, such as “[1] A. Clark …., “Analysis of…”, and it is not acceptable to say “[1] Reference deleted for double-blind review.”
- The submitted manuscript or its title/abstract should not be posted on a public website, such as, or transmitted via public mailing lists.
- The submitted manuscript (PDF file) should be text-searchable. Any submission that does not meet this requirement may be returned without review.
- Many of the editing tools automatically add metadata to the generated PDF file containing information that may violate the double blind policy. Please remove any possible metadata that can link your manuscript to you. This includes removing names, affiliation, license numbers etc. from the Metadata as well as from the paper. Failing to meet this requirement may also lead to a rejection without review.
To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, changes to the list of authors are prohibited once a paper has been submitted for review. Should a paper be accepted, the complete list of authors, including the order of authors, must remain identical as the EasyChair metadata in the final camera-ready manuscript.
Guidelines for “Industry/Demo Papers” track
Industry/Demo papers at ICISS 2023 focus on technology and innovation developed towards solving real-world problems. Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit contributions, in the form of 10-page papers, describing practical applications of technology, and how security frameworks can help in practical scenarios and/or commercial use cases. The papers will be reviewed for their novelty, presentation quality and experimental validation. This track does not require anonymous submissions. Author names, affiliations, acknowledgements can be part of the submission.
- Use Springer LNCS template to prepare your manuscript (without tweaking any of the default settings; e.g., font-size, margins, you may use additional packages to extend the LaTeX environment)
- The manuscript must be written in English.
- Compile your submission as a single PDF file (Word files will not be forwarded for review).
- The manuscript should not cross 10 pages (inclusive of references and well-marked appendices, if any).
- Ensure that the colors used in Figures and elsewhere are printable in gray-scale.
- Ensure that the font-size in Figures/Tables and elsewhere is at least 9pt, if at all explicitly defined.
- Check the manuscript for typos and spell-check it before submitting.
- Demo Submission must state a github link (or other publicly accessible URL) where the code-base of the application is provided under appropriate licensing terms. If the code-base cannot be released, a demonstrable binary should be provided with a Readme.txt file with steps to run the demo.
- For Industry papers (including Case-studies) the submission of github link is optional.
To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, changes to the list of authors are prohibited once a paper has been submitted for review. Should a paper be accepted, the complete list of authors, including the order of authors, must remain identical as the EasyChair metadata in the final camera-ready manuscript.