- Key points for “Regular Papers” track:
- Double-blind review process (follow these submission guidelines). No author name/affiliation, 20-page long
- Proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS (prepare your manuscript using this LaTeX template)
- TPC may recommend exceptionally good quality papers for their journal version (e.g., Sadhana)
- TPC may recommend shortening some papers with incomplete results but are interesting (8-pages long)
- Submission Deadline: July
102431, 2024 (AoE). [firm deadline] - Submission Portal
- Announcement of Results: September 20, 2024.
- Camera-Ready: September 30, 2024.
The 20th ICISS solicits previously unpublished original research works in the form of research papers typeset in English, using the LNCS template. The submissions must be anonymous (double-blind peer review process will be followed; read the guidelines carefully), compiled as a single PDF file and should not exceed 20 pages; including the bibliography and well-marked appendices. SoK-type of submissions are also welcome; during submission, choose “Research Papers (SoK)” sub-track. Submissions can be done under 2 distinct tracks: regular research track and industry/demo track. An indicative list of research topics for both the tracks is given below.
Systems Security
- OS, VM, containerization
- IoT, RFID, SCADA systems
- IDS, IPS, SIEM, XDR, Botnet
AI/ML Security
- Adversarial learning/inputs
- Bias, Fairness, Ethics
- Explainability, Trustworthiness
- Model poisoning/stealing
Hardware Security
- Remote attestation, PUFs
- Trojans, Backdoors, FPGA
- Trusted Execution Enclaves
- PETs, Anonymization tech
- Deidentification attacks
- Inference/correlation attacks
- Surveillance, Censorship
- Cryptocurrency, Stablecoins
- Scalability, Interoperability
- Contract correctness
S&P Use Cases
- e-voting, smart cities
- COVID-19 contact tracing
- misinformation in OSNs
Access Control
- Authentication, MFA
- Authorization model/policy
- PKI, Trust management
- Information flow control
Application Security
- Vulnerabilities, DevSecOps
- Static/Binary analysis
- Malware, Adware, Ransomware
Emerging Tech/Standards
- ChatGPT, LaMDA, Dall-E2, et al
This year, we will also accept PoCs of security applications under a separate demo track and allow submission of artefacts.
There will be the best paper award. It is sponsored by IDRBT Hyderabad and it is associated with a cash prize of INR 15000 (approx USD 180).
Out of the papers accepted for publication at ICISS 2024, a select few outstanding papers will be invited in their extended form to be published in the Indian Academy of Science's journal Sadhana. The program committee may ask some authors to shorten their paper to a short paper of 8 pages to be presented in a poster session, instead of a plenary session.
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC co-chairs grant permission for a substitute presenter before the conference. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final correctly formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Springer LNCS XXXXX proceedings.